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Client: AW LAB
Project: Magazine
Year: 2018 - 2019

When we first met, AWLAB was a brand in need of finding itself a role in the overcrowded world of apparel retail chains, focusing on its young target through new, relevant channels.

When writing down the strategy for this project, taking a deep dive into this new consumers’ world, it became clear that a shift of perspective was now fundamental.

Instead of talking to young, inspired, rule changing dudes out there, we turned the megaphone and gave them space to show and share.

AW LAB becomes this way the brand fathoming contemporary emerging trendsetters, selecting and featuring those whose vision matches PLAY’s philosophy.

PLAY rolled out for four issues, each focused on a different theme and built around four hashtags, featuring different pairs of limited edition sneakers in each contributor’s work. Music, fashion, illustration, art, photography, Instagram trends, memes, technology, all this has been part of the project.

The magazine, entirely designed in house, is made to speak a visual language coherent with its promise and its contemporary design enhances each article. PLAY has been printed in 120.000 copies and distributed in over 200 AWLAB stores across Italy, Spain, Czech Republic and Singapore.