La Guardiense is one of the most important agricultural cooperatives in Italy and Janare is the line of wines whose objective is to safeguard the native grape varieties. Naive worked along with the company on a new brand architecture that guarantees a distinctive positioning and an identity with a strong attractiveness. The link with the territory and that charm we were looking for were inherent in its own name: “janara” in fact is the common term in the Benevento region to refer to a witch, symbol of seduction and mysticism strongly linked to the popular tradition.
Samnite culture and symbolism thus became the basis on which we developed the new Janare packaging, starting from the contemporary reinterpretation of Oscan language’s graphemes and the use of images and iconographies related to nature and popular belief.
The result is a graphic system highly distinctive, not only in aesthetics but also in the way it binds together the values of the brand to those of the territory. The print finishes and the design choices add more magic to a wine line able to translate in a modern language the winemaking tradition and the Samnite heritage.